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Photographer, Writer, Gardener


WELCOME. I'm so glad you're here. This space — the blog, the podcast, and the photos I take — are as much for you as they are for me. It is my sincere hope that you see and hear yourself in the stories shared here; that you feel more connected to your fellow humans and other beings inhabiting this wild world of ours; that you deepen your curiosity and sense of wonder by slowing down with me and noticing the little things — whether it's the way the elder flowers fall fully-formed to the ground, or the hitch in a speaker's voice as she tells a story near to her heart. I'm full of gratitude that you're here with me to share this space.

Let's make your memories last forever

Kansas City Area Family Photography


The Blog

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Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.
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Substack is quickly becoming the home for my writing. You can find my words there.


I share the real-life stuff — the big feelings, the little feelings, my life as a mother to twin toddlers, life before and after Trikafta (cystic fibrosis) — weaving in things that I think are important through my interviews on the Makers, Dreamers, Doers podcast, and sharing about the many joys and lessons learned through gardening. 

I love connecting with people through Instagram — join me in that space.

Find me on the CFF Blog


I frequently contribute to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Community Blog at

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